Contact Us

Existing Client?

Wild Bore Plant Services is here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  If you’re an existing client with an emergency issue contact our 24-hour emergency support team by calling (478) 275-0600.

Need a Quote?

If you would like quote for a particular project, or would like more information on the services available that could meet your contracting needs, please fill out and submit the form below or email us.  One of our knowledgeable customer service agents will contact you as soon as possible with the requested information.

We look forward to serving you!


Collin Baggett
478-275-0600 Office
478-484-1940 Cell

Field Services

Jimmy Darsey
478-275-0600 Office
478-256-1253 Cell  


Patrick Beacham                                                           Bill Pollard
478-275-0600 Office                                                       478-275-0600 Office
478-290-9048 Cell                                                          478-484-2893 Cell                            

Safety Director

Victor Cooper
478-275-0600 Office
478-256-4728 Cell

Your Name (required)

Company Name

Your Email (required)

Phone Number

Best Time to Contact You

Detail of Serivces Needed or Problem

Special Notes